Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1161 - 1170 of 1973
Author: Matteo Bandello
Item date: 1545
Date acquired: 1972
Grant Value: 100
Item cost: 500
Institution: Liverpool Public Libraries, Hornby Library

First edition, printed at Agen; a fine example of French provincial printing in a 19th century blue morocco binding with elaborate doublures, richly gilt

Item date: 1506
Date acquired: 1972
Grant Value: 125
Item cost: 190
Institution: Cornwall Record Office - Kresen Kernow
Town/City: Redruth
County: Cornwall

The deed appoints trustees of lands, out of the profits of which they are to appoint a priest to say Mass daily for Sir John Percyvale and Dame Thomasine, his wife. He is also to keep a grammar school in a house newly built for the purpose. Illustrated as frontispiece of AR

Author: Sir Basil Liddell Hart
Item date: not given
Date acquired: 1973
Grant Value: 500
Item cost: 35,000
Institution: King's College London
Town/City: London

7000 volumes, many of them annotated by Liddell Hart , which were used to form the nucleus of the Centre for Military Archives at Kings College.

Author: Henry Austin Dobson
Item date: 1860 - 1880
Date acquired: 1973
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: University of London
Town/City: London

Contains contributions to magazine of 1860s and 1870s, and some unpublished immature work. Presented by CSA Dobson

Author: Thomas Cooper
Item date: 1847
Date acquired: 1973
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: Cambridge University Library
Town/City: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

A remarkable literary document of the Chartist Movement, written in Stafford Jail where Cooper was imprisoned on charges arising out of the riots of 1842. This is the second editionl issued in penny parts. Presented by John Ehrman

Item date: 1815
Date acquired: 1973
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: National Army Museum, Sandhurst
Town/City: Sandhurst
County: Surrey

Map 54 x 66cm , prepared by a Belgian engineer WB Craan, engraved by G Jackowick. Presented by Lord Kenyon

Author: Sir Philip Francis
Item date: not given
Date acquired: 1973
Grant Value: 400
Item cost: 1,600
Institution: British Library, India Office Library
Town/City: London

The pamphlets reflect the concerns of the East India Company between 1784 and 1858. Those by Francis carry his annotations

Author: Edward Ellice, father and son
Item date: 18th & 19th centuries
Date acquired: 1973
Grant Value: 750
Item cost: 11,000
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Includes important correspondence with Lord Grey at the time of the Reform Bill crisis

Item date: 1399-1413
Date acquired: 1973
Grant Value: 1,815
Item cost: Not recorded
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

This manuscript is the most important source for the music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance in England.

Author: George Canning
Item date: not given
Date acquired: 1972
Grant Value: 300
Item cost: 750
Institution: Leeds Library, The
Town/City: Leeds
County: West Yorkshire

Also included are the papers of AG Stapleton, Cannings secretary and biographer. About 1300 letters , many from major political figures of the period including Lords Liverpool, Granville, Wellesley , also Princess Lieven, Huskission, and the Rev Sidney Smith