Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1301 - 1310 of 1973
Author: Leigh Hunt
Item date: 1853-8
Date acquired: 1963
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: University of London
Town/City: London

Presented by L McCormick-Goodhart with a holograph of Hotel Continental by Arthur Symons c.1924

Item date: late 14th century
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: 100
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

4 leaves from the same Book of Hours, illuminated in the tradition of Niccolo di Bologna, were already in the possession of BL, donated by Professor Francis Wormald in 1943.

Author: Francis Rogers
Item date: 1701 - 5
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: 50
Institution: National Maritime Museum
Town/City: London

Merchant trading voyages to India via Grand Canary, to Oporto and to Jamaica via Madeira with much interesting detail of local conditions

Item date: 1745-6
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: 300
Institution: Victoria & Albert Museum
Town/City: London

Fine example of a mosaic binding of white calf elaborately decorated with inlays of red blue green and citron morocco. Tooled doublures of red morocco and blue silk endpapers by Jacques-Antoine Derome the Elder. Illustrated as colour frontispiece of AR

Author: Bernardinius Lauredanus
Item date: 1558
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Printed by Paulus Manutius son of Aldus, at Venice. Bound in a leaf of a late medieval religious musical manuscript. Presented by WL Wood

Item date: 1770
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

10 vellum pages, coat of arms emblazoned in full colour; a fine example of a legal document of the Holy Roman Empire. Presented by WL Wood

Author: William Drummond of Hawthornden
Item date: 1656
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Rare edition, two other copies only recorded in the UK; presented by Arthur Gimson

Author: Alexander Oldys
Item date: 1700
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Presented by Arthur Gimson. Only three other copies recorded

Item date: 1559
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: 250
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Quarto edition, one other copy known. This copy is a variant which includes the so-called Black Rubric at the end of the Communion Service

Author: PG Wodehouse
Item date: 1964
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Contains the entire mass of notes made for the novel together with the first typescript, heavily corrected and annotated. Add MSS 52774, 52775