Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1321 - 1330 of 1973
Item date: 18th century
Date acquired: 1962
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Commences with the marriage treaty between Charles VIII and Anne de Bretagne 1491; the bulk of the volume are Acts of Francis I 1518-1543. Presented by TS Blakeney, Add MS 50866

Author: William Langland
Item date: 1400
Date acquired: 1962
Grant Value: 500
Institution: University of London
Town/City: London

A very early C text of the poem, written in a good vernacular gothic book hand, initial capitals in gold, rubrication in red. Bound in 19thcentury red morocco. Illustrated as Plate 1 of AR

Author: Anthony Ascham
Item date: 1689
Date acquired: 1962
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: University of London
Town/City: London

Presented by John Ehrman together with Nathaniel Bisbie: Unity of Priesthood Necessary to the Unity of the Communion in a Church, 1692

Author: Nicolous de Tudeschis, Panormitanus
Item date: 1475
Date acquired: 1963
Grant Value: 150
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Bound with Judiciarius ordo by the same author, also printed at Paris by the Printer of Ockam, 1476. The latter printer was not previously represented in BL collections. A good large copy with unusual fore-edge title in gold on purple and with two gold illuminated incipit initials

Author: Joseph Cradock
Item date: late 18th century
Date acquired: 1963
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

This collection is arranged alphabetically and covers the letters A - F only. It contains letters from many literary figures of the day and love letters from his future wife Anna Francesca Stratford. Presented by TS Blakeney. Add MSS 52285, 52286

Author: Francis Scott Key
Item date: 1816
Date acquired: 1963
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Key was author of The Star Spangled Banner. Presented by L. McCormick-Goodhart. Add MS 51020, f 43

Author: AH Hallam
Item date: 1827
Date acquired: 1963
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

A n autograph fair copy of a sonnet of lament for the vanished liberties of the Genoese republic Genova bella, a cui laltiera voce. Presented by Simon Nowell-Smith. Add MS 51020G

Author: Virginia Woolf
Item date: 1923-24
Date acquired: 1963
Grant Value: 200
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

3 quarto volumes. Manuscript also contains drafts of reviews and articles some of which, like Joseph Conrad appeared in The Common Reader. Add MSS 51044-51046. Illustrated as plate I of AR

Author: Sir Francis Drake
Item date: 1587
Date acquired: 1962
Grant Value: 600
Institution: Drake Museum
Town/City: Buckland Abbey
County: Devon

Includes Queen Elizabeths Letters Patent authorising the Cadiz expedition. H P Kraus gave 350 of the total grant

Author: William Roscoe
Item date: 1828
Date acquired: 1962
Grant Value: 200
Institution: Liverpool Public Libraries, Hornby Library

231 drawings contained in 5 of the original 15 printed covers. 103 drawings were used in the published parts and later in the complete volume, 65 are alternative drawings that remained unused, 63 were not used or described. They are by Thomas Allport, RK Greville, Rebecca Miller and others.