Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 671 - 680 of 1973
Author: John Stuart Mill
Item date: 1836 - 40
Date acquired: 1999
Grant Value: 3,558
Item cost: 14,231
Institution: London School of Economics
Town/City: London

Molesworth was the founder of the philosophically radical London Review, which was supervised closely by Mill. The present letters provide a great deal of detail on the policy and development of the magazine, together with comments on individual articles and contributors.

Author: Pompeo Bilintani, LAffricano
Item date: 1536
Date acquired: 1999
Grant Value: 1,000
Item cost: 2,000
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

An extremely rare account of the campaign of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V against the corsair Khair al-Din, better known as Banbarossa, written throughout in clumsy ottava rima. The book was probably printed and published at Naples soon after Charless triumphal entry into the city

Author: Walter Slinn, bookbinder
Item date: 20th century
Date acquired: 2001
Grant Value: 250
Item cost: 380
Institution: Sheffield Archives and Local Studies
Town/City: Sheffield
County: Yorkshire

Record of Slinns business, including a scrapbook half bound in green leather containing letters of thanks and admiration for his work from the Sitwells and a catalogue of the exhibition of his bindings in the Central Library, Sheffield, 1946. Grant from the Esme Fairbairn Charitable Trust

Item date: 1556 - 1847
Date acquired: 1999
Grant Value: 275
Item cost: 1,100
Institution: Shropshire Archives
Town/City: Shrewsbury
County: Shropshire

The two main series of these documents relate to the selection of MPs and to the water supply of the town. The records include agreements to construct conduits and details of the pipes to be laid during the mid-16th century

Author: Edward Short
Item date: 1713 - 1717
Date acquired: 2002
Grant Value: 3,125
Item cost: 12,500
Institution: Wolverhampton Archives and Local Studies
Town/City: Wolverhampton
County: West Midlands

Contains the signature of Thomas Newcomen, inventor of the first practical atmospheric steam engine, acknowledging receipt of rental for one of his engines from Edward Short.

Author: Walter Crane
Item date: late 19th and early 20th century
Date acquired: 2002
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 376,475
Institution: Whitworth Art Gallery
Town/City: Manchester
County: Lancashire

The most important archive of material relating to Walter Crane in existence. The artistic and design material is to be held at the Whitworth Art Gallery, the letters, account books and correspondence at the John Ryland s Library.

Author: Sir George Nayler
Item date: 1837
Date acquired: 2002
Grant Value: 2,500
Item cost: 5,000
Institution: Westminster Abbey
Town/City: London

Lavish large folio illustrated account of the coronation, possibly the most significant pictorial record of an English coronation ever to appear.

Author: Sir John Soane
Item date: 1836
Date acquired: 2002
Grant Value: 1,000
Item cost: 4,500
Institution: Sir John Soanes Museum
Town/City: London

One of the few copies specially bound for presentation to royalty in full red morocco by J Smith of 49 Longacre. No copy had survived at the museum. Illustrated at p.50 of AR

Author: Jack Rosenthal
Item date: 1950s - present
Date acquired: 2002
Grant Value: 15,000
Item cost: Not recorded
Institution: Sheffield University
Town/City: Sheffield
County: Yorkshire

Complete literary output of one of Britains most distinguished and productive dramatists, together with working drafts and correspondence. The treaty sale price includes all future work by Rosenthal. Grant from the Philip Larkin fund

Author: George Richmond
Item date: 1840s - 1896
Date acquired: 2002
Grant Value: £10,000
Item cost: £29,500
Institution: Royal Academy of Arts
Town/City: London

A series of 42 diaries together with nearly one thousand letters. Correspondents include the Coleridge family, William Gladstone, John Ruskin, Elizabeth Fry, Joseph Severn, JE Millais and Frederic, Lord Leighton.