Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 731 - 740 of 1973
Author: Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Item date: 19th century
Date acquired: 1996
Grant Value: 4,000
Item cost: 28,732
Institution: Bristol University Library
Town/City: Bristol
County: Avon

29 vols of diaries, 20 vols of pocket notebooks and 13 vols of bank pass books. They reveal a great deal of Brunels journeys, meetings, observations, income and expenditure during his busiest and most creative years.

Author: Louis MacNeice
Item date: 20th century
Date acquired: 1996
Grant Value: 8,000
Item cost: 50,000
Institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

A major resource for scholars working in the field of modern English poetry and culture

Author: Dvorak, Gounod and Elgar
Item date: 19th - 20th centuries
Date acquired: 1996
Grant Value: 3,000
Item cost: 16,883
Institution: Birmingham Archives and Heritage Service: The Library of Birmingham
Town/City: Birmingham
County: West Midlands

Correspondence from composers commissioned to write works for the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival.

Author: George Keith, 10th Earl Marischal
Item date: 1768 - 76
Date acquired: 1996
Grant Value: 532
Item cost: 1,762
Institution: Aberdeen University Library
Town/City: Aberdeen
County: Aberdeenshire

Keith graduated MA from Marischal College Aberdeen in 1712 and became its Chancellor.

Item date: 1820 - 96
Date acquired: 1996
Grant Value: 600
Item cost: 2,115
Institution: RIBA Architectural Library
Town/City: London

CR Cockerell designed the Ashmolean Museum and the Taylor Insitution in Oxford, the Hanover Chapel in London and the National Monument in Edinburgh. His correspondents included John Nash, Sir George Gilbert Scott, Robert Smirke, James Elmes, John Gibson and John Henning.

Author: Sir Charles Barry and others
Item date: 1834 - 1914
Date acquired: 1996
Grant Value: 1,000
Item cost: 75,820
Institution: Stoke-on-Trent Museums
Town/City: Stoke-on-Trent
County: Staffordshire

Collection of 800 drawings, one of the most comprehensive surviving sets of designs for any 19th century house. The evolution of the estate can be seen from initial notebook sketches to the highly detailed working drawings as Barry worked on his design for the Duke of Sutherland.

Author: John Gibson Lockhart
Item date: 1810 - 17
Date acquired: 1997
Grant Value: 3,000
Item cost: 8,000
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Lockhart is best remembered today as the biographer of Scott and for his biting attacks on the poetry of Leigh Hunt and Keats in Blackwoods Magazine, but in his youth he was also a spirited caricaturist, papering the walls of his rooms at Oxford with sketches of his friends and foes.

Author: Robert Pearse Gillies
Item date: 1811 - 27
Date acquired: 1997
Grant Value: 3,307
Item cost: 5,200
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Gillies was an impecunious editor, minor poet and translator who lived in Edinburgh 1788 - 1858.

Author: Anon
Item date: 1712
Date acquired: 1997
Grant Value: 1,200
Item cost: DM 9345
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

A topographical and historical survey of Switzerland and adjoining regions, unusually in duodecimo format with 1090 pages and 109 plates, many folded. No copy listed in the NUC or the Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschen Schrifttums 1700 - 1910. Total price given is in DM, not sterling

Item date: 1750
Date acquired: 1997
Grant Value: 4,000
Item cost: 15,000
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Published by Thomas Jefferys, the large world map shows the track of Admiral Lord Ansons fleet which returned in 1743 laden with plunder from the captured Manila Galleon.