Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 981 - 990 of 1973
Author: Christopher and Richard Towneley
Item date: 17th century
Date acquired: 1985
Grant Value: 1,000
Item cost: 13,800
Institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Working notebooks and written-up mathematical calculations in disciplines ranging from geometry to astronomy, from physics to trigonometry and from land-measuring to malting. This last in the form of an essay written by the young John Flamsteed, the future Astronomer Royal

Author: Sir Thomas Foxwell Buxton
Item date: 19th century
Date acquired: 1985
Grant Value: 1,000
Item cost: 18,500
Institution: Rhodes House Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Buxton was Wilberforces designated successor as leader of the parliamentary anti-slavery campaign. The MSS document the Buxton familys close involvement in the parliamentary campaign of 1833.

Author: Hore-Belisha
Item date: 1937 -40
Date acquired: 1985
Grant Value: 1,500
Item cost: 18,000
Institution: Churchill College
Town/City: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

Diaries, photographs and letters concentrating on the period when Hore-Belisha was Minister of War 1937 - 1940 and particularly on the events surrounding the dismissal of Neville Chamberlain

Author: Harriet Martineau
Item date: 1858
Date acquired: 1985
Grant Value: 143.75
Item cost: 143.75
Institution: Armitt Museum and Library, Ambleside
Town/City: Ambleside
County: Cumbria

Written from The Knoll, Ambleside to George Grote who was trying to help Martineau with money problems at The Westminster Review

Item date: 1699 - 1738
Date acquired: 1985
Grant Value: 450
Item cost: 450
Institution: Royal Berkshire Archives (formerly Berks Record Office)
Town/City: Reading
County: Berkshire

Very detailed in the later years: no other such record is known for any other town of this period in the old county of Berkshire

Author: Peter Beuzeville and family
Item date: 1784 - 1848
Date acquired: 1986
Grant Value: 250
Item cost: 492
Institution: Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Town/City: London

As well as private correspondence of this properous silk merchant the collection includes Beuzevilles correspondence as Director and Joint Treasurer of the French Committee which was concerned from the reign of James II until Victorian times in distributing the Royal Bounty granted for the relief

Author: Jean Calvin
Item date: 1539
Date acquired: 1986
Grant Value: 850
Item cost: 8,500
Institution: Lambeth Palace Library
Town/City: London

Rare second edition, the first to develop Calvins ideas on the Trinity and with new chapters on repentance and justification by faith

Item date: 18th - 19th centuries
Date acquired: 1988
Grant Value: 200
Item cost: 1,000
Institution: Herefordshire Archives & Records Centre
Town/City: Hereford
County: Herefordshire

Boxes of deeds and papers relating to four main groups.

Author: William Horman
Item date: early 16th century
Date acquired: 1987
Grant Value: 400
Item cost: 19,500
Institution: Eton College Library
Town/City: Eton
County: Berkshire

Commonplace book by William Horman, Headmaster of Eton 1501 - 35. Contains jottings on history, chronology and geography with extensive quotations from the Latin poets.

Item date: 1514 - 1900
Date acquired: 1987
Grant Value: 300
Item cost: 4,800
Institution: Gloucestershire Archives
Town/City: Gloucester
County: Gloucestershire

Several hundred evidences of title to the manor of Mickleton in the north Cotswolds