Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1231 - 1240 of 1973
Item date: 1495
Date acquired: 1970
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Single sheet almanach printed by Michel Tholoze at Paris: the earliest example of work from his press known. Presented by CA Webb

Item date: 1540
Date acquired: 1970
Grant Value: 400
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Large folio, printed by Robert Estienne, bound in a 16th century Paris binding by Claude de Picques.

Author: Sir Walter Scott
Item date: 1808-1826
Date acquired: 1970
Grant Value: 300
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Holograph autobiographical fragment, being an account of his early life. First written in 1808 and subsequently worked over and revised in 1826. Bound up By Lockhart after Scotts death with papers relating to his call to the Bar and his marriage certificate

Author: Admiral Lord Hawke
Item date: 1743 - 1762
Date acquired: 1970
Grant Value: 250
Institution: National Maritime Museum
Town/City: London

19 volumes of Hawkes official correspondence during his period as Captain and Flag Officer. The papers throw much light on the hard work of one of the greatest sea captains of the 18th century, best known for his victory at Quiberon Bay 1759

Author: Laurence Sulivan
Item date: mid 18th century
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 100
Institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Sulivan was for many years Director of the East India Company and these papers are of especial interest for the light thrown on the relations of the Nabob of Arcot with his Agents and on the pecuniary claims Sulivan had on him

Item date: 1529
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 250
Institution: Lambeth Palace Library
Town/City: London

Prepared by prelates and ecclesiastical lawyers, probably for the Papal legate, Cardinal Campeggio. There is an opinion in favour of the Queen signed by John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester

Author: Christian Ignatius Latrobe
Item date: 1788- 1792
Date acquired: 1970
Grant Value: 75
Institution: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
Town/City: Manchester
County: Lancashire

The Journal recounts the philanthropic work of the Moravians, Latrobes assistance to Dr Burney on the History of Music, and notes conversations with, amongst others, Wilberforce, the Bishop of London and the Wesleys on Slavery

Author: John James Ruskin
Item date: 1830 -63
Date acquired: 1968
Grant Value: 40
Institution: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
Town/City: Manchester
County: Lancashire

Miss Corlass was the friend and correspondent of both John and his parents. Contains interesting information about Mrs Ruskin (JR's mother) and about his (John's) parents view of his marriage to Effie Gray

Item date: 1884 onwards
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 500
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

200 Letter Books from 1884 - 1930 containing copies of thousands of outgoing letters most of them by Herbert Thring, Secretary of the Society. Miscellaneous subject files dealing mostly with legal disputes and 1200 incoming letters from members of the Society.

Item date: 1137-1138
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 250
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

One of the most remarkable survivng documents of Stephens reign, written in the solemn elaborate language more usual in charters from before the Conquest. Has an added list of witnesses including the King, his wife Matilda and his son Eustance. Illustrated as frontispiece of AR.