Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 1973
Author: Sir Francis Leeke
Item date: 1570
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 50
Item cost: 240
Institution: Derbyshire Record Office

Consists of transcripts of deeds relating to Leeke property in Derbyshire

Item date: 1656 - 1757
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 20
Item cost: 20
Institution: Norfolk Record Office
Town/City: Norwich
County: Norfolk

Includes churchwardens overseers, constables and surveyors accounts and minutes of charity schoold subscribers meetings

Author: Sir John Fastolf
Item date: 1430
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 110
Item cost: 110
Institution: Norfolk Record Office
Town/City: Norwich
County: Norfolk

Also includes letters of attorney appointing John Paston supervisor of his Manors of Bentley and Rosehall in Yorkshire

Item date: 1224 - 1330
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 50
Item cost: 100
Institution: Northamptonshire Record Society
Town/City: Northampton
County: Northamptonshire

57 deeds, mainly grants of lands in Kelmarsh. One deed appears to relate to an early form of mortgage or loan on security of lands

Author: Sir Francis Carew
Item date: 1560 - 1611
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 100
Item cost: 550
Institution: Surrey History Centre
Town/City: Woking
County: Surrey

The weekly household accounts detail the usual consuption of the household including food for spaniels, hawks pigeons and swans and give menus for when Carew and his guests were staying at Beddington. Also includes the later inventory of Beddington House taken in 1764

Item date: 1484 - 1705
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 55
Item cost: 55
Institution: Sussex Archaeological Society
Town/City: Lewes
County: East Sussex

Records approximately 50 courts, especially interesting during the Common wealth period.

Author: Frank Wild
Item date: 1908 - 9
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 350
Item cost: 1,730
Institution: Scott Polar Research Institute
Town/City: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

In this diary Wild records Shackleton and his companions painful progress over the Polar Plateau, their decision to turn back and their desperate struggle to regain the ship. Provides many insights that were not part of the official record of the expedition

Item date: 1770-1815
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 50
Item cost: 200
Institution: Brighton Public Library
Town/City: Brighton
County: East Sussex

Consists of Bailiffs books and farming records, including a record of timber cut on the estate and notes of the exact amounts of work done by each man in the fields and the payment he received

Item date: 1148-68
Date acquired: 1972
Grant Value: 100
Item cost: 220
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Notification by Gilbert de Pinkey to the Bishop of Lincoln that he has confirmed the grants made by his grandfather and father.

Item date: 1459
Date acquired: 1971
Grant Value: 80
Item cost: 300
Institution: London Metropolitan Archives
Town/City: London

Shiryngton was chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The charter sets out in detail the duties of the chaplain and his daily collect is recited in full