Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1221 - 1230 of 1973
Author: John Newton
Item date: not given
Date acquired: 1976
Grant Value: 300
Item cost: 2,057
Institution: Lambeth Palace Library
Town/City: London

Rev John Newton, curate of Olney is best remembered today for his hymn Amazing Grace recording his dramatic conversion after a life as a slave trader. 120 letters, mostly unpublished at time of purchase; they give a vivid picture of the sources of Newtons religious belief

Author: La Fontaine
Item date: 1811
Date acquired: 1976
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: Bodleian Library, Taylor Institution
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Presented with three volumes of Boileau Dezpraux, 1820 and the second edition in English of Voltaires Candide 1759 by Mrs Sigrid Oldman

Author: Alhazen
Item date: 1572
Date acquired: 1976
Grant Value: 200
Item cost: 23,895
Institution: Royal College of Art
Town/City: London

The earliest book in a collection of 842 volumes on colour. Also includes Goethes Farbenlehre 1810, Newtons Optics 1704, Kunckels Ars Vitraria Experimentalis 1689 and Portals Symbolic Colours 1844.

Author: John Wesley
Item date: 1738-39
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 100
Institution: Lincoln College
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

James Hervey came under the influence of Wesley at Lincoln and was one of the first Oxford Methodists, though he came to disagree with Wesleys public preaching and evangelism. The se letters date from this later period of disagreement

Author: Frank V Browning
Item date: 1910-1911
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 200
Institution: Scott Polar Research Institute
Town/City: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

Petty Officer Browning kept a diary during Captain Scotts second Antarctic expedition, recording every day events on board ship. He was part of the Northern party who passed the winter at Cape Adare. The diary ends before they had to pass another winter in an ice cave with very scanty food

Author: Major General Sir Robert Brownrigg
Item date: 1798-1815
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 30
Institution: National Army Museum, Sandhurst
Town/City: Sandhurst
County: Surrey

Brownrigg was Quartermaster General and Military Secretary to the Duke of York, Commander in Chief. Almost 700 letters and documents.

Item date: 14th -19th centuries
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 250
Institution: Centre for Kentish Studies
Town/City: Maidstone
County: Kent

A substantial collection of manorial documents of 16th and 17th centuries, 2,000 medieval deeds, and a large quantity of family papers, including the delinquency papers of the Second Earl during Commonwealth times

Item date: 12th - 19th centuries
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 250
Institution: Norfolk Record Office
Town/City: Norwich
County: Norfolk

Includes Paston rentals for the mid -17th century

Author: Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore
Item date: 16th-18th centuries
Date acquired: 1969
Grant Value: 250
Institution: Queen's University, Belfast
Town/City: Belfast
County: Antrim

Many books extensively annotated by Percy and several have interesting associations with other members of the literary Club connected with Dr Johnson, such as Goldsmith.

Item date: 1337
Date acquired: 1970
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

The attornment is directed to Henry de Ferrers, for the manor of Walton-upon-Trent, near Derby. Additional Charter 75738