Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1351 - 1360 of 1973
Author: Horace Walpole
Item date: 1791
Date acquired: 1967
Grant Value: 100
Institution: Victoria & Albert Museum
Town/City: London

Printed by Bodoni in a luxury binding , almost certainly commissioned by James Edwards of Pall Mall, by Staggemeier and Welcher. Citron morocco inlaid with black and red tooled in gilt. Illustrated as frontispiece of AR

Author: Dr Ch. Depraz
Item date: 1866
Date acquired: 1967
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

A pamphlet dealing with the death of Bulkley Samuel Young in August 1866. Presented by TS Blakeney together with a n obituary brochure about John Doncaster Hoyland, killed in the Alps in 1934

Author: Geoffrey of Monmouth
Item date: late 12th century
Date acquired: 1966
Grant Value: 200
Institution: National Library of Wales
Town/City: Aberystwyth
County: Ceredigion

Fine folio manuscript in double column written in an early Gothic hand with decorated large initial letters in red or blue. Bound by Hering in russia, gilt

Item date: 1885-1910
Date acquired: 1964
Grant Value: 100
Institution: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
Town/City: Manchester
County: Lancashire

Spielmann was editor of The Magazine of Art. Collection contains 52 letters from Ford Madox Brown, 80 from Watts, 13 from Holman Hunt, 103 from Frith and 21 from William Michael Rossetti

Item date: 1639
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Large illuminated initial opens the document with a half length portrait of Charles I painted in colours and enclosed in a yellow baroque frame. Presented by WL Wood

Item date: 1818
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: 40
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Numbers 1 - 17 of this rare Irish periodic al, containing politcal articles plus original poems, comments on contemporary literature and a regular column on the theatre

Author: Abraham Darcie
Item date: 1625
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: 178 10s
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

The binding on this book, with a posthumous portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, appears to be the earliest English trade binding designed to cover copies of a particular book

Item date: 1683
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: 50
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

First edition of the Laws of the Island after it came into British possession in 1655, plus a short account of the Island and a map. 50 donation was given by Arthur Gimson

Author: Keith Douglas
Item date: 1938-44
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: 200
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Manuscripts of 45 poems, four with interesting marginal comments by TS Eliot, the original MS of his War Diary (published as From Alamein to Zem Zem) and a large number of drawings, paintings and sketches. Add MSS 53773 - 53776

Item date: 1375
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Manuscript in roll form showing acquisition of rents. Presented by Dr EG Millar. Add MS 52779