Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1421 - 1430 of 1973
Item date: 1788 - 92
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Presented by Sir Stanley Unwin with various numbers of other early newspapers, The Star and The Mirror of the Times 1797 - 1806

Author: John Barret
Item date: 1678
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Very scarce. Presented by Stephen K Jones

Author: John Marston
Item date: 1616
Date acquired: 1955
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Scarce second edition of Marstons last play presented by Arthur Gimson together with John Reynolds: The Scripture Genealogy, 1739 and Batty and Langleys Ancient Architecture 1742, replacing a copy destroyed by enemy action in 1941

Author: Denton Welch
Item date: 1940-42
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Autobiography. DWs first published book, presented by Sir Eric Miller. Add MS 49062

Author: John Rastell
Item date: 1519
Date acquired: 1961
Grant Value: 50
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

50 given by Arthur Gimson. The only known copy of the first edition of the first English abridgement of the Laws

Author: Johannes Fabricus Bolandus
Item date: 1546
Date acquired: 1961
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Presented with two other books in 16th century French bindings, Poetical Works of the Strozii and Catois disticha, 1577 by Mrs & Mrs Albert Ehrman. They also gave a large collection of rubbings of bindings by Roger de Coverly

Author: Louis XIII nad Marie de Medici
Item date: 1610-12
Date acquired: 1961
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Presented by TS Blakeney together with autograph draft of a letter by William Paley. Add MSS 50785, 50789

Item date: 1250
Date acquired: 1961
Grant Value: 500
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Manuscript on vellum, 96 leaves written in a small gothic hand in red and black with intials in red, green and blue. Add MS 50754

Item date: 1069-1076
Date acquired: 1961
Grant Value: 500
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

By the charter, the grantor Waleran FitzRanulf gives to the Abbey of St Stephens Caen the church of Bures St Mary in Suffolk. Signum of the Conqueror considered to be genuine and not a later forgery. Illustrated as frontispiece of AR. Add Charter 75503

Author: Princess Charlotte
Item date: 1811-14
Date acquired: 1960
Grant Value: 30
Institution: Royal Pavilion
Town/City: Brighton
County: East Sussex

284 pieces for Piano collected by the Princess, only child of George IV, with a pen drawing by her of couples dancing as frontipiece. Small oblong quarto, bound in blue staight-grained morocco, gilt