Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1381 - 1390 of 1973
Author: Ronsard
Item date: 1559
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 150
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

First edition, very scarce with imprint of Vincent Sartenas

Item date: 1723
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 50
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Gives proof that the Newspaper tax of 1712 was being evaded through a loophole in the law governing the quantity of paper used

Author: Raoul Le Fevre
Item date: 1492
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 250
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

One of three known copies. Part of a collection of 130 books including 60 incunables, 14 books printed by Wynkyn de Worde, a large number of 16th and 17th century books of which no other copy is recorded and 8 bindings of exceptional quality.

Author: Zachary Macaulay
Item date: 1807 - 13
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: Trinity College, Cambridge
Town/City: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

Most of the letters contain exhortations and advice as to the boy's studies. Presented by John Ehrman

Item date: 1547-1883
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 27
Institution: Northamptonshire Record Society
Town/City: Northampton
County: Northamptonshire

900 documents mostly 17th and 18th centuries; valuable for the study of economic and agricultural history

Author: Peacham
Item date: 1612
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 25
Institution: National Trust, Blickling Hall
Town/City: Bllckling
County: Norfolk

The Jacobean ceiling of the library at Blickling Hall has panels taken from this emblem book

Author: Georgio Calapoda of Crete
Item date: 1560
Date acquired: 1958
Grant Value: 150
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Written on vellum, the greater part of Europe is shown, including the British Isles and North Africa; fully illuminated and decorated with flags, coats of arms, pictures of towns and cities and the King of Spain on his throne. Illustrated as plate II of AR

Author: Augustin Heckle (or Heckel)
Item date: 1753
Date acquired: 1958
Grant Value: 30
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Heckles work was not previously represented in the Library

Author: Johannes Cassianus
Item date: 1472
Date acquired: 1958
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

First German adaptation of the Collationes patrum, the first book printed by Bmler. Presented by CA Webb together with Spiegel des Snders, 1480. A confessional manual printed at Augsburg

Author: Sir Benjamin Keene
Item date: 1752
Date acquired: 1958
Grant Value: 15 15s
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Keene was Ambassador to Spain. Add MS 49621