Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1411 - 1420 of 1973
Author: Gabriel Chappuys
Item date: 1603
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Presented by FF Madan. With this work are bound Le Soldat Francois, 1604, Basilikon Doron in French, 1603, (Craigie 30).

Author: Bonaventura
Item date: 1492
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Parts II and III of five parts only. Bound by Nicolaus von Havelberg, a good example in excellent preservation of this important binders work. Presented by Mr & Mrs A Ehrman

Author: William Barrett
Item date: 1789
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: Bristol Public Library
Town/City: Bristol
County: Avon

Presented by Group-Captain Arthur B Burdett with a 1695 edition of Camden's Britannia

Author: Francis Thompson
Item date: 1891
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: 50
Institution: Harris Public Library
Town/City: Preston
County: Lancashire

Written as a tribute to Wilfrid Meynell's two daughters Sylvia and Monica, contains stanzas omitted from published version. With 2 letters to Wilfrid Meynell about the poem

Author: Reverend William Beauvoir
Item date: 1715-22
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: 50
Institution: Lambeth Palace Library
Town/City: London

Contains the only known copy of the Commonitorium, a project by Louis Ellies du Pin for the union of the Anglican and Gallican churches; other letters mention the activities of the Old Pretender in Paris

Author: Thomas Stanley
Item date: 1646
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: 50
Institution: Cambridge University Library
Town/City: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

Mostly a fair copy with a number of unimportant variations from printed texts, but also containing marginal notes in Stanley's hand indicating his sources for borrowed conceits and turns of phrase. Add . MS 7514

Item date: 1851
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: Victoria & Albert Museum
Town/City: London

Binding made to the order of J & J Leighton by Messrs Elkington after a design by Luke Limner. Binding contains a circular metal plaque set in relief showing a proclamation of the Exhibition with names of inventors and practitioners in the useful arts. Presented by A Ehrman

Author: D Heynsius
Item date: 1646
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Presented by Professor LC Martin

Author: John Lyly, William Shakespeare and many others
Item date: 1584
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: 500
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Collection contains 860 single plays plus 480 bound volumes, including 37 Shakespeare quartos. The 1600 edition of The Merchant of Venice has notes by both Lewis Theobald and George Steevens, the 18th century editors of Shakespeare and their hand writing can be seen in some of the other plays.

Author: Robert Bridges
Item date: 1880
Date acquired: 1956
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Published anonymously, one of Bridges scarcest books. Finely bound in full crimson morocco, gilt preserving the original wrappers. Presented by Simon Nowell-Smith