Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 1371 - 1380 of 1973
Author: John Tillison, clerk of the Works at St Paul s Cathedral 1665-1685
Item date: 1664-1683
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: 2000
Institution: Guildhall Library
Town/City: London

For the period 1685-1683 apparently the only surviving record of the Royal Commission in charge of the rebuilding of the Cathedral. Illustrated as frontispiece of AR

Item date: 1483
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: 300
Institution: University of London
Town/City: London

Contain reports of cases heard in the courts in 1455/6 and 1458/9 respectively. Printed by William de Machlinia in Holborn, the first book has the only known 15th century Holborn imprint. Very rare: only four other copies known of the first and only three of the second book. Duff nos.

Author: Sir Henry Strachey
Item date: 1764-1804
Date acquired: 1965
Grant Value: 500
Institution: British Library, India Office Library
Town/City: London

The Papers of Henry Strachey, secretary to Robert Lord Clive 1764-67; his correspondence with Lord Clive as governor of Madras 1798 - 1803; the papers of John Carnac , commander at Patna in 1760; the papers of Edward Strachey, secretary to the Resident at Poona Sir Barry Close 1801-1804

Item date: 1671-1691
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: HM Customs and Excise Library
Town/City: London

Relate to customs revenues on French Spanish and other wines, Flanders lace etc. Presented by TS Blakeney

Author: Thomas Bewick
Item date: 1862
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: Victoria & Albert Museum
Town/City: London

Extra illustrated. Inscribed by Jane and Isabella Bewick to William Mackey 1871. Presented by RW Hale.

Author: Cardinal Pietro Bembo
Item date: 1539-43
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 350
Institution: Victoria & Albert Museum
Town/City: London

Sir Eric Miller gave 250 of the FONL grant. This exquisite example of fine italic script was bought with 3 other calligraphic manuscripts: J Ragona De artificiali memoria 1465; a miscellany of grammatical tracts, c.1480 and M Gualterius De re militari, late 15th century.

Author: Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Arms
Item date: 1558
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Incomplete, wanting title and a number of other leaves, but only copy known to contain cancelled leaves O7-8. Presented by FS Ferguson

Item date: 13th century
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 100
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Manuscript of 170 leaves written in double column with four large illuminated initials. No other missal of a Tironian house is known to exist. Illustrated as frontispiece in AR

Author: P Chassereau
Item date: 1739
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: Presented
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Presented by A Gimson

Author: George Bickham
Date acquired: 1957
Grant Value: 20
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Undated edition not previously in BL collection. Purchased with 20 donated by A Gimson