Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 921 - 930 of 1973
Author: John Clare
Item date: not given
Date acquired: 1993
Grant Value: £1,038
Item cost: £4,113
Institution: Northamptonshire Public Libraries
Town/City: Northampton
County: Northamptonshire

Both letters written by Clare to his home in Northborough, one during a visit to London, one in his asylum period, the last known from his hand. The sonnet is an early version of a published poem (which is not recorded in AR).

Author: Richard Green, surgeon of Lichfield
Item date: 18th century
Date acquired: 1993
Grant Value: 750
Item cost: 1,102
Institution: Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service
Town/City: Lichfield
County: Staffordshire

Manuscript verse miscellany made by a leading citizen of Lichfield, and relative of Samuel Johnson. It also includes local history of the periods 1748 - 58 and 1783, recording restoration work on the Cathedral and houses in the Cathedral Close

Item date: 13th - 20th centuries
Date acquired: 1993
Grant Value: 1,000
Item cost: 8,000
Institution: Buckinghamshire Archives
Town/City: Aylesbury
County: Buckinghamshire

Many of the documents relate to the Whitelock and Freeman families who held the estate before its purchase in 1832 by Edward Mackenzie

Item date: 1454 - 61
Date acquired: 1989
Grant Value: 1,500
Item cost: 22,500
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Covering a legal text (an abridgement of the Book of Assizes) this is the earliest datable English blind-stamped gothic binding. It is from the workshop of the Scales binder, so-called for his use of a tool depicting a pair of scales.

Author: Sir Walter Scott
Item date: 1830
Date acquired: 1989
Grant Value: 1000
Item cost: 21,104
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Set of first page proofs and revisions of the first volume of the History of Scotland.

Author: David Lloyd George
Item date: 1890 - 1916
Date acquired: 1989
Grant Value: 5,000
Item cost: 334,500
Institution: National Library of Wales
Town/City: Aberystwyth
County: Ceredigion

Most of the letters date from before Lloyd George became Prime Minister, and contain comments on both personal and political matters, sometimes written in haste between cabinet meetings and giving his immediate thoughts on the political problems which confronted him.

Author: Sir William Herrick
Item date: 17th century
Date acquired: 1989
Grant Value: 5,000
Item cost: 105,000
Institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Manuscript papers generated by Herrick as one of the Tellers of the Exchequer; 16 volumes of warrants to pay money with their associated receipts, three volumes of debenture slips, eight ledgers recording weekly payments and receipts and five computus rolls, all for an eight year period in the re

Author: Henry St John, Viscount Bolingbroke
Item date: 1712 - 13
Date acquired: 1989
Grant Value: 300
Item cost: 1,136
Institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

St John was Secretary of State at this time, and he was writing to Charles Boyle who was Envoy Extraordinary in Flanders. The letters cover the period April 1712 to October 1713 and are chiefly concerned with the negotiations which led to the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht

Author: Ralph Sheldon
Item date: 1586-8
Date acquired: 1988
Grant Value: 500
Item cost: 13,310
Institution: Warwickshire County Record Office
Town/City: Warwick
County: Warwickshire

The Sheldon family fortune was made in tapestry weaving. This account book records two years of travel and household expenses, losses at cards (20 in an evening) purchases of hawks, velvet collars for greyhounds and 10 paid for a suit of armour edged with gold lace. Illustrated at p.30 of AR

Author: R Baker (Surveyor)
Item date: 1725
Date acquired: 1988
Grant Value: 250
Item cost: 1,550
Institution: West Sussex Record Office
Town/City: Chichester
County: West Sussex

The earliest known map of the area which is now the town of Worthing