Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 611 - 620 of 1973
Author: 1st Earl of Lytton
Item date: 1876 to 1880
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 205,600
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st Earl of Lytton (1831-91), statesman and poet, was Viceroy of India from 1876 to 1880. The 177 files inlcude his public and private papers from 1876-80 and his correspondence from his Private Secretary's Office.

Author: Siegfried Sassoon
Item date: 1919 to 1966
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 2,000
Item cost: 7,000
Institution: Imperial War Museum
Town/City: London

This collection consists of 51 letters and 6 postcards written by Siegfried Sassoon to Vivian de Sola Pinto between January 1919 and December 1966.

Author: Roger Robertson the younger of Ladykirk, Berwickshire
Item date: 1750 to 1753
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 1,500
Item cost: 17,625
Institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Roger Robertson of Ladykirk, Berwickshire, made his Grand Tour in 1750-53 and bought pictures and prints in Italy. His letters home are long and detailed and he frequently assures his parents of the good sense with which he spends his time and his father's money.

Author: Lady Ottoline Morrell
Item date: 1908 to 1937
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 40,000
Institution: National Portrait Gallery
Town/City: London

Lady Ottoline Morrell (1873-1928) was the half-sister of the 6th Duke of Portland. In 1902 she married Philip Morrell in 1902 and until 1915, they lived in Bloomsbury where she established herself as a literary and political hostess. From 1915 they lived at Garsington Manor, near Oxford.

Author: James Watt
Item date: 18th to 19th centuries.
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 1,500
Item cost: £139,270 (tax remission)
Institution: Birmingham Archives and Heritage Service: The Library of Birmingham
Town/City: Birmingham
County: West Midlands

The archive comprises manuscripts and books from the family library, many of which have been annotated by Watt and his son, James Watt Junior.

Item date: 1476
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 2,438
Item cost: 13,186
Institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

This incunable is a popular devotional and moralising work, written in the vernacular, and printed in Vicenza by Johannes de Reno in 1476.

Item date: 1851 and 1852
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 750
Item cost: 1,500
Institution: Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
Town/City: Chester
County: Cheshire

These deeds are strays from the main Vernon archive, which is divided between the Cheshire and Derbyshire Record Offices. They comprise the marriage settlement of the Hon.

Item date: 20th century
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 1,000
Item cost: 4,500
Institution: Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
Town/City: Chester
County: Cheshire

The collection comprises about 3,100 photographs and 450 postcards and range in date from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1980s, and thus cover the heyday of the railways.

Item date: 19th to 20th centuries
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 1,900
Item cost: 9,200
Institution: Stained Glass Museum, Ely Cathedral
Town/City: Ely
County: Cambridgeshire

G. King & Son of Norwich (est. 1927) was the leading conservator of stained glass for much of the 20th century and Dennis King was closely involved with the Corpus Vitrearum project in England.

Item date: 13th to 19th centuries
Date acquired: 2003
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 472,000 (tax remission)
Institution: Northamptonshire Archives Service
Town/City: Northampton
County: Northamptonshire

This archive relates to a family, with all its marriage alliances, spanning 700 years. The core is the family and estate papers of Hattons of Kirby Hall and Holdenby, Northamptonshire.